Business Security

Learn more about how CyberGT can protect your business.

Protect Your Business


of small businesses shut down permanently within six months of falling prey to a cyberattack.

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You own a business. You’re successful, but you’re not a Fortune 500 company with billions of dollars of capital. Cybercriminals surely wouldn’t waste their time on you when there’s bigger targets to shoot for, right?


More than 40% of cybercriminals target small businesses. Cybersecurity is a must for businesses of all sizes. And your business is living on borrowed time if you continue to ignore it.

4 Most Common Cyber Threats Facing Businesses:


Software that infects or locks up a network until a specific amount of money is paid.


Malicious software designed to damage a computer, server, client or network.


Harmful programs that can spread from one device to another.


Emails that look legitimate but infect your computer with malware.

Don’t Lose What You’ve Worked Your Whole Life For

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Don’t Lose What You’ve Worked Your Whole Life For

Why Businesses Attract Cybercriminals

Cyberattacks against small businesses have been on the rise for years, mostly because cybercriminals know they’re easy targets.

Running a business is hard, and owners often have a lot on their plate. Consequently, you may overlook cybersecurity and leave yourself wide open to an attack.

Cybercriminals don’t care how big your business is — they want all the data and all the money they can get. Ignoring your cybersecurity is a good way to make sure they get their hands on your information.

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Your Customers & Business Partners Deserve to Feel Secure

Customers are the lifeblood of any business — and that’s especially true to small companies looking to build a loyal client base. As an owner, it is up to you to make sure your clients’ and vendors’ sensitive information is safeguarded against attacks.

When you fall victim to a breach, it’s not only your data that’s compromised. It’s your customers’ and vendors’ credit card and banking information, as well as personal information such as their address and phone number. Breaches can have a devastating effect no matter the industry — for example, if you’re a healthcare organization or clinic, a cyberattack can hamper your facility’s ability to administer proper care to your patients.

Your clients and vendors put their trust in you whenever they frequent your business. Leaving yourself open to cybercriminals can yield disastrous results that your customers — and your reputation — will never recover from.

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Remote Work is Here to Stay

A study conducted by UpWork estimates more than 36 million Americans — 22 percent of the workforce — will be working remotely by 2025. That’s good news for cybercriminals — this gives them more easy targets than they ever had before.

Allowing your employees to work outside the office has its benefits, but it also opens your business up to cyberattacks. The tools your staff uses to collaborate remotely may not provide adequate cybersecurity, or employees may be using personal devices with weak protection. These scenarios put your business and data at risk.

If you’re a business that permits employees to work remotely, make sure they have the knowledge and security that protects them and you from cybercriminals.

Pick Your Plan

Don’t leave your security to chance. At Cyber GT, we offer businesses cutting-edge cybersecurity plans designed to thwart even the most innovative cyberattack. Choose a plan that best fits your needs and your budget and reach out to us today.

Service/Plan Protect:
Cybersecurity + Support
Cybersecurity + Support + Cloud-Hosted Desktop
Monthly Pricing:
Flat-Rate, No-Hassle, Predictable Price (Per Machine/Month)

$69Per User

$129Per User

$249Per User

Added Management Fee (Mandatory):
Strategic Technology Guidance

$69Per Organization

$129Per Organization

$249Per Organization

24/7 Security Operations Center
Our staff is ready to remedy threats in real time
End-User Security Training
We keep your business safe by educating your employees
Two-Factor Authentication
Bolster your security with an added layer of identification
Dark Web Scanning of Primary Domain
We search the dark web for your company’s sensitive data
Industry-Leading Advanced Malware Protection
We’ll detect and delete new malware strains
Web Content Filtering and Protection
Prevent your staff from accessing dangerous or suspicious websites
Managed Anti-Virus
We’ll help you keep up on all updates and make sure that your systems are secure
We patch test prior to installation and configuration
Remote Access to Existing PCs
Increase employee activity by allowing them to plug into your network – securely – from anywhere
Remote User Support
Our staff will address your remote needs Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Cloud-Based File Backups
Keep your important data secure
Cloud-Hosted Virtual Desktop
A full user environment that runs as a virtual machine on a server and can be accessed remotely
Azure Active Directory
Access to Microsoft’s enterprise cloud-based identity and access management solution
  • Service/Plan:
    Protect: Cybersecurity

    Monthly Pricing:
    Flat-Rate, No-Hassle, Predictable Price

    $69Per User

    Added Management Fee (Mandatory):
    Strategic Technology Guidance

    $69Per User

    24/7 Security Operations Center
    Our staff is ready to remedy threats in real time
    End-User Security Training
    We keep your business safe by educating your employees
    Two-Factor Authentication
    Bolster your security with an added layer of identification
    Dark Web Scanning of Primary Domain
    We search the dark web for your company’s sensitive data
    Industry-Leading Advanced Malware Protection
    We’ll detect and delete new malware strains
    Web Content Filtering and Protection
    Prevent your staff from accessing dangerous or suspicious websites
    Managed Anti-Virus
    We’ll help you keep up on all updates and make sure that your systems are secure
    We patch test prior to installation and configuration
    Remote Access to Existing PCs
    Increase employee activity by allowing them to plug into your network – securely – from anywhere
    Remote User Support
    Our staff will address your remote needs Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
    Cloud-Based File Backups
    Keep your important data secure
    Cloud-Hosted Virtual Desktop
    A full user environment that runs as a virtual machine on a server and can be accessed remotely
    Azure Active Directory
    Access to Microsoft’s enterprise cloud-based identity and access management solution
  • Service/Plan:
    Support: Cybersecurity + Support

    Monthly Pricing:
    Flat-Rate, No-Hassle, Predictable Price

    $129Per User

    Added Management Fee (Mandatory):
    Strategic Technology Guidance

    $129Per User

    24/7 Security Operations Center
    Our staff is ready to remedy threats in real time
    End-User Security Training
    We keep your business safe by educating your employees
    Two-Factor Authentication
    Bolster your security with an added layer of identification
    Dark Web Scanning of Primary Domain
    We search the dark web for your company’s sensitive data
    Industry-Leading Advanced Malware Protection
    We’ll detect and delete new malware strains
    Web Content Filtering and Protection
    Prevent your staff from accessing dangerous or suspicious websites
    Managed Anti-Virus
    We’ll help you keep up on all updates and make sure that your systems are secure
    We patch test prior to installation and configuration
    Remote Access to Existing PCs
    Increase employee activity by allowing them to plug into your network – securely – from anywhere
    Remote User Support
    Our staff will address your remote needs Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
    Cloud-Based File Backups
    Keep your important data secure
    Cloud-Hosted Virtual Desktop
    A full user environment that runs as a virtual machine on a server and can be accessed remotely
    Azure Active Directory
    Access to Microsoft’s enterprise cloud-based identity and access management solution
  • Service/Plan:
    Enable: Cybersecurity + Support + Cloud-Hosted Desktop

    Monthly Pricing:
    Flat-Rate, No-Hassle, Predictable Price

    $249Per User

    Added Management Fee (Mandatory):
    Strategic Technology Guidance

    $249Per User

    24/7 Security Operations Center
    Our staff is ready to remedy threats in real time
    End-User Security Training
    We keep your business safe by educating your employees
    Two-Factor Authentication
    Bolster your security with an added layer of identification
    Dark Web Scanning of Primary Domain
    We search the dark web for your company’s sensitive data
    Industry-Leading Advanced Malware Protection
    We’ll detect and delete new malware strains
    Web Content Filtering and Protection
    Prevent your staff from accessing dangerous or suspicious websites
    Managed Anti-Virus
    We’ll help you keep up on all updates and make sure that your systems are secure
    We patch test prior to installation and configuration
    Remote Access to Existing PCs
    Increase employee activity by allowing them to plug into your network – securely – from anywhere
    Remote User Support
    Our staff will address your remote needs Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
    Cloud-Based File Backups
    Keep your important data secure
    Cloud-Hosted Virtual Desktop
    A full user environment that runs as a virtual machine on a server and can be accessed remotely
    Azure Active Directory
    Access to Microsoft’s enterprise cloud-based identity and access management solution

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Affordable Service Add-Ons

Once you’ve picked your plan, choose one or more options from our array of add-on features.

Enhancement Options

VPN for Anonymizer

Keep your IP address anonymous.

Mobile Phone & Tablet Protection

Make sure all devices are secure.

24x7 Server Management and Monitoring

Reach out to us from anywhere at any time.

Penetration Testing

See how well your security stands up to a simulated attack.

Email Protection

Safeguard all of your inbound and outbound messages.

One-Time Services

2FA Set-up

Get our secure two-factor authentication.

Firewall Review & Configuration

We’ll make sure your security is strong and current.

Consultation/Q&A/ Advice

Access our team of experts for an hourly rate.

2FA Set-up

Get our secure two-factor authentication.

Firewall Review & Configuration

We’ll make sure your security is strong and current.

Consultation/Q&A/ Advice

Access our team of experts for an hourly rate.

Need More Information?

Reach out to CyberGT for more information on our plans to find the one that is right for you. After you fill out this form, a member of our team will contact you soon.

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